We finished off our busy year of 2023/2024 in Mahoonagh NS with an end of year assembly!
Mrs Condron welcomed all the pupils, staff and parents present and congratulated them on all their hard work and achievements during the year.
Mrs Condron wished Josephine Madden the very best for her retirement after 23 years of service in the school as an SNA, three pupils from the class she was working in this year presented her with gifts from all the pupils and Antonieta Byrne from the parents council presented her with gifts from the parents!
Ms Kennedy and Mr Kelly presented the boys and girls for 4th and 5th who played hurling, football and camogie during the year with their medals and congratulated them on all their hard work and excellent behaviour at all their matches and training sessions!
Mrs Condron closed the assembly with an end of year prayer to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable summer holiday! ☀️