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This year for our STEM Project using Minecraft Education, we decided we would create a new stadium for Limerick! Our teacher helped us out at the start, breaking the Project up into 5 phases; (1) Research,  (2) Design, (3) Build 3D model, (4) Groups with specific tasks (5) Build a digital version of our stadium via Minecraft Education.
As you can see from our photos,  we had great fun in all of these phases, but we really loved creating our stadium on our ipads using Minecraft Education! We didn't need any further help at this stage as we were the experts at building! We all worked together in the same 'world' which was on Mr. Kelly's laptop. He shared a 'join code' with us and we were all able to work together on the project at the same time using the ipads. This took a lot of communication and organisation to make sure our stadium got built!
We went for a very fancy glass design with green and white striped walls to make our stadium very distinctive! We are planning on adding dressing rooms underneath the stands, some shops and a car park outside!
We really loved working on this project together,  it was so much fun and we think we created a really cool stadium!
Mr. Kelly's 4th Class Engineers :)
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There was great excitement in Seomra Alice Senior Room on World Book Day when we brought our illustrated characters to life! 

We all designed and drew a character and by scanning the QR Code we could transfer our character onto the Interactive Whiteboard and animate it! 

There was dancing pigs and karate kicking unicorns to name but a few!!!

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Senior infants had the opportunity to explore the Bee Bot 🐝 app on our school iPads. The app introduces younger pupils to the basic concepts of coding such as directional language, commands , sequencing and problem solving.
